Sunday, February 22, 2009

A sad day!!!

Yesterday was a sad day in our house!!!I have been cleaning out our basement!!  I am hoping this well help speed up the process of finishing it!! We have finished our storage room and I have been trying to get it organized.. It has been a ton of work!! I have had to go to our storage unit and bring back all of our stuff, it has been a never ending process!! After working all day on it I headed up stairs to get ready because Rachelle was coming to town YAHOO!! We where getting ready to walk out the door  and I looked down at my wedding ring!!! I could not believe what I saw!!! MY DIAMOND WAS GONE!! I couldn't believe it!!! Eric and I looked and looked but we have had no luck!! I am thankful we have insurance, but it is not the same!!! It is one of those sentimental things you never ever want to have to replace!!  I keep praying it shows up!!! 


Natasha Ireland said...

I'm sooooooooooo sorry sweetie. I lost my ring for three days and found it in the washer. I will say a prayer for you to find your diamond.

*The Grahams* said...

OH... Ken thats crazy! You had a close call not that long ago! But to lose it now.... Thats CRAZY!

Sharesa Larsen said...

OH NO! That is really sad! Let us know if you find it.

vallarsen49 said...

O I'll pray that it shows up too. That is so sad. It'll turn up I'm sure.