Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A joyful moment!!

Sunday after church we headed to my parents house for an amazing dinner and a great family home evening!!!! My mom is so amazing, she has been teaching a new Scripture story each week and I am amazed at how much Parker can remember!!! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mother who blesses the life's of her children and grandchildren everyday! I love you mom!! Last Sunday she told the story of Nephi building the ship. Part of the story talks about how God granted Nephi the ability to show his brothers that God was directing him. Through the power of God, Nephi by allowing Nephi put forth his hand and "shocked" Laman and Lemuel. Then they realized that Nephi had the power of God with him. Laman and Lemuel repented and began helping Nephi build the ship.

Monday at preschool Parker was hit by one of the other students. Upon arriving at home, he told me that he prayed to God for the power to "shock" the disobedient schoolmate so they would repent and become righteous.

I am amazed at the simple faith he had, and his willingness to be obedient!!! He never stops teaching us and he is such a blessing in our lives!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Parker's 1st day of Preschool!!!

Parker started preschool a couple weeks ago!! He loves going to preschool, and he loves his teachers!!! He was very excited this year because Mylee, is in his class!!! He also get to go to school with a bunch of his friends!! I am sure they are going to have a blast!!!

The 1st day of school was hard on Kinzley, she kept going in Parker's room looking for him!! Then the first thing she did when he got home was go and put on his backpack!! It was so cute!! She loves her big brother Parker and misses him when he is at school!!