Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Fun!!

We had a blast on Halloween!! The kids loved it, Parker was done after about 10 houses!! However Kinzley loved every minute of it!!! She would get so upset if we skipped a house!! It was so cute and so so much fun!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloween Pics

A couple weeks ago we had Parker, Mylee and Kinzley's pictures taken!! It was an event, but some how we got a few good pics!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A joyful moment!!

Sunday after church we headed to my parents house for an amazing dinner and a great family home evening!!!! My mom is so amazing, she has been teaching a new Scripture story each week and I am amazed at how much Parker can remember!!! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mother who blesses the life's of her children and grandchildren everyday! I love you mom!! Last Sunday she told the story of Nephi building the ship. Part of the story talks about how God granted Nephi the ability to show his brothers that God was directing him. Through the power of God, Nephi by allowing Nephi put forth his hand and "shocked" Laman and Lemuel. Then they realized that Nephi had the power of God with him. Laman and Lemuel repented and began helping Nephi build the ship.

Monday at preschool Parker was hit by one of the other students. Upon arriving at home, he told me that he prayed to God for the power to "shock" the disobedient schoolmate so they would repent and become righteous.

I am amazed at the simple faith he had, and his willingness to be obedient!!! He never stops teaching us and he is such a blessing in our lives!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Parker's 1st day of Preschool!!!

Parker started preschool a couple weeks ago!! He loves going to preschool, and he loves his teachers!!! He was very excited this year because Mylee, is in his class!!! He also get to go to school with a bunch of his friends!! I am sure they are going to have a blast!!!

The 1st day of school was hard on Kinzley, she kept going in Parker's room looking for him!! Then the first thing she did when he got home was go and put on his backpack!! It was so cute!! She loves her big brother Parker and misses him when he is at school!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

My 1st Triathlon

I really need to be better about posting on my blog!! We have had a crazy busy summer!!!
This is one of the things we have done!!! I am going to be adding a few more in the near future ( I hope)!!

My 1st Triathlon was harder then I thought it would be!! The fact that I only got 2 hours of sleep didn't help!!! We had a commitment in Utah Friday night and didn't get home until 3:00 am!! Despite the sleep problem it was still fun!!!The swim was the worst part!!! If you know me you know how much I love to swim!!! Hahahaha I hate swimming!!!! Because I love to Swim so much my Mom had a hard time believing I was actually going to do this ( and to tell you the truth so did I, It must have been the per pressure)!!! After the swim it was on to the Bike and this went great, besides the fact that my bike was having fits ( my chain came off twice and I was never able to shift gears) I really enjoyed riding despite my troubles!!! Last came the run, normally this is a cake walk but after you ride 13 miles your legs don't work and just standing is difficult!!! By the second mile my legs were finally feeling better and I knew I only had 1 mile to go!!! All in all I really enjoyed doing the Triathlon and I might even do it again next year!!! I was really glad I got to do it with Ashley and Shalaina! It was so fun to train with them, they are awesome and I had a blast!!! You guys rock, and I Love ya!!! I just have one question for you guys what is our next adventure???

Monday, June 22, 2009

My 1st Half Marathon

On Jun 13th I ran the Teton Dam Half Marathon!!! It was a blast, and I was lucky enough to be able to run it with one of my best friends Ashley!!! We have been training for a couple months!!! However once we started the race, we began to wonder if we were ever going to run down hill!!! During our training we just ran in Rigby, which is all FLAT!!! The race was in Rexburg so about 11 miles of it where up hill!!! We only got to enjoy 1 mill down hill!!! Bummer, I loved the down hill!!!   I was sore for 4 days, I think it was because of all the hills!!  It was so much fun!!! I was so lucky to be able to run it with Ashley,  she is amazing and we make the best team!!! There is no way I could have done it with out you!!!! Your the best!!! I can't wait to see what our next adventure will be!!!  Maybe the Full!!!  


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Coupon crazy!!

I was with a friend a couple months ago and we went to Walgreen's on a coupon shopping adventure!!! My eyes where opened when she got toothpaste, floss, and a toothbrush  for FREE!!! After that I was hooked on using coupons!!!!!! Over the past 2 months I have bought $1536.00 in Merchandise and only paid $ 412.00!!!  I have cut our grocery bill in half!!  The best part is that I have increased our food storage!!! In  a couple more months we should have a full year supply!!! Got to love coupons!!! They are the best!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Parker's Birthday!!

I have been so busy, and very entertained on facebook that I have neglected my blog!!! Parker had his 4th b-day on March 15!! I can't believe he is 4!!! He is such an amazing Son!!! I love him to death!!! From the day Parker was born he has been a blessing to our family!!! He is amazing to Kinzley, he loves to play with her and teach her new things!! There is nothing better then when he walks in the room and put his arms around Kinzley and tells her how much loves her (except maybe when he does it to his mom)!!! Parker is such a righteous boy, he loves learning about the Gospel!!! He loves going to primary and I am always amazed at the things he knows about the Gospel!!! One of Parker's favorite places is the Library!!! Eric takes him about once a week, and they love going together!!!He loves to read, he is starting to learn words and he can't wait until he can read on his own!!! Every night before bed he begs his Dad or Mom to read him a couple books!!! A couple nights ago after Eric had taken him to the Library all he wanted to do was read his new books, they had checked out 10 and they read together for about 2 hours!!! I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing one of his chosen sons to come to our home!!!! Parker is a blessing in our lives and we love him very very much!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARKER WE LOVE YOU!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kendra goes to work!!!

The past few weeks Eric has been buried at work!!! (which is a huge blessing)   He has been working crazy hours from about 6:30 in the morning to 10:00 or 11:00 almost every night!!!  He was desperate for help on Friday so he called me and said he had a babysitter and he needed my help!! So I headed over to his shop to help him work!!  Things where going well and then the fun began, we started putting cabinets together, we had a good system going which involved me using the nail gun!!!  I have used a lot of nail guns and felt like it was no big deal!  However I have never used this nail gun and I quickly found out that it was very temperamental!!!!  The nail gun had a few problems one of which was the trigger was broken and u have to push really hard to get it to fire!!!  Eric was holding a cabinets and was ready for me to nail it together, I put my finger on the trigger and got ready to nail it together and all of the sudden it went off and SHOT ERIC RIGHT IN THE FINGER...I couldn't believe it, I felt awful, the nail stuck right in the tip of his middle finger!!! Thankfully it didn't go in very far!!!! Eric just pulled the nail out and back to work we went!!! I  am glad that it Eric is OK and his finger will make a full recovery!!!  I though after this experience he might think twice before he wanted me to come and help again  in the shop but I was wrong and I headed back to work on Saturday and thankfully I have no injuries to report!!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A sad day!!!

Yesterday was a sad day in our house!!!I have been cleaning out our basement!!  I am hoping this well help speed up the process of finishing it!! We have finished our storage room and I have been trying to get it organized.. It has been a ton of work!! I have had to go to our storage unit and bring back all of our stuff, it has been a never ending process!! After working all day on it I headed up stairs to get ready because Rachelle was coming to town YAHOO!! We where getting ready to walk out the door  and I looked down at my wedding ring!!! I could not believe what I saw!!! MY DIAMOND WAS GONE!! I couldn't believe it!!! Eric and I looked and looked but we have had no luck!! I am thankful we have insurance, but it is not the same!!! It is one of those sentimental things you never ever want to have to replace!!  I keep praying it shows up!!! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fun in West Yellowstone!!

A couple of weeks ago we went up to West Yellowstone for a weekend of fun in the snow!! We had a blast and we are looking forward to going back up in a few weeks... While we where up there we got to snowmachine a ton, and the kids enjoyed the swimming pools!!  It was a blast and we are excited to do it again!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tag your it!!!

I was tagged by Natasha.The Big 88 THINGS ABOUT MEHere are the Rules:1) Post rules on your blog 2) Answer the six '8' items 3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment

Private Practice
Grey’s Anatomy
Biggest Loser
American Idol
Jazz Basketball
Anything On FOX News channel
Americas Funniest home videos

Took Parker To Preschool
Made File folder games for churchMade dinner
Sewing ( my favorite thing)
Saw my mom and Brittney
Went to the store
Talked on the phone with a friend

Going Snowmobiling in Feb. and March
Going on a trip with Eric and Brooke and Jeff in April!!
Seeing Rachelle next weekend!!
Watching Shalyse run track next week!!
Making Kinzley a Valentine outfit!!
Playing in a Basketball league in Pocatello!!!
Going to Disneyland in Nov… With the Family!!
Getting Kinzley Potty trained..

Finish our basement!!!
Sell our house
Go on a cruise
Go to more Jazz games
Get a boat!!!
Finish School
Play more basketball
Spend more time with friends and family!!

Melanie – mom

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christmas 2008 At the Cabin

We had such a great Christmas... We got to go up to a cabin with the whole family!! It was awesome, it snowed the entire trip... I loved it... It was such a blessing to get to spend such much time together.. It was the perfect setting to remember the true meaning of CHRISTmas!!! Grandma had a cute story of the birth of the savior, with pics of each character... Mylee and Parker loved the story so much!!! They asked her to tell it over and over!! Than Parker went to nursery the Sunday before Christmas and asked his teacher if she could tell the same story about baby Jesus that his grandma had!! It was amazing to see them catch the real meaning of Christmas!! They understood that Christmas was all about baby Jesus. It was an awesome Christmas!!